06 March 2010

The State I Am In

This is an email addressed to Sophie, a wonderful friend of mine. I'm posting it just to highlight my current sorry state.

Darling Soph,
           How are you?hope you are fabulous.Can't say I'm though..courtesy: school leaving exams.My exams begin from the 17th of March and shall continue till the7th of April.Needless to say I'm tired,bored and almost inside a pressure cooker which may whistle and go off anytime like a bomb.You know what I want right now?what I need right now?A holiday...a destination... a place where I could runaway..I want to meet you..I want to share so much with you..but right now it just seems so impossible...
I feel so lousy at this hour...I still haven't finished writing the letter which was meant for you...yep,lousy....you know,this has never happened to me before...I tend to finish a mail so quickly..but even that much of talent is ebbing away from me,lousy me.I keep thinking about the day when we'll finally meet and hitchhike to so many places..I feel so sad right now.
oh and the pics of yours were simply amazing..you look so beautiful:-)
I just hope to get a letter from you now..maybe around april..,maybe then I'll be able to complete the mail...weird life,weird me.
How are you?hope you are in bliss.
As for me,I feel already nice as I finish this email:-)
Take care,
All my love,

I was once popular as Mental about Daniel..I am still mental but not about that person.
I am Mental And Demented.

11 November 2009

To a family called Dio.

You all must have heard about farewell diaries and most of you,like me, must have forced your friends to pen down something for you, for the sake of the precious and sometimes not-so memorable moments. And though I have delayed in filling up the diaries of my friends, they did not disappoint me.Well, except Samraagnie who promised to kick my ass( and she said this,quite aloud, in front of our Bengali teacher.But we don't bother much about her anyway) if I dare approach her with my "pandulipi"(as Sneha calls it). I didn't approach her after that. But I did write something for them inside the now dog-eared pages.
So,before heading to school on that day for the very last time as a student of class XII-A, I sat down to recollect the times that I am going to treasure forever. After what seemed a long hour of brain-wracking session, reason struck me and then it felt silly not to have thought of it earlier.I apologised to Daariburo for not writing  the following in Bengali for my superb handwriting prevented me from doing so, and I felt that I would ruin the "ethnic,antique-looking diary"(as Upasana had put it),which I did not want to do at all.So here goes:
          'Purano shei diner kotha
      bhulbi kire haaye o shei,
chokher dyakha,praaner kotha
-sheyi ki bhola jaaye'
       I thanked God-sincerely,for the phenomenon called Rabindranath:the true Deliverer.Without his help I guess I would not have been able to express myself properly.Yep Deeaa,language truly makes communication  difficult.
Well, to be honest, I did not want to join Diocesan again-what with Protiti and Debosh studying in different schools and the others, who stayed back, divided into different streams-and thus different sections.
 And my first few weeks-well,the least said about them, the better.But gradually sun began to shine again for me,and doing away with my apprehensions(like they did),we-the diverse species from the same planet, became FRIENDS.
And together we have braved many a failure(aami, by bhogobaan's grace,konobaar fail korini jodio), celebrated many a success(so what if we lost out to SPHS during our Annual Theme Quiz yet again?) and criticised the Hyderabadi Biryani in unison.
I do not want to use the cliche,"so long" (like most of my classmates have used)so soon.
       'Haaye majhe holo chhara-chhari,
gelem ke kothaye
aabaar dyakha jodi holo shokha
praaner maajhe aaye'

P.S.:Thank God(again) Gokhale does not offer first language English!

P.P.S.:We all get by with a little help from our friends, don't we?

10 November 2009

Must be MAD!

Trust a lunatic,a mad,MAD,mad person like me to start blogging at this time,when barely 7 or 8 days are left for my selection tests to begin.But maybe that is the prime reason for my friends to nickname me MAD(no,it's not music.art.dance.).
And I hate the DOCOMO ad.